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A Team’s Perspective of the Malabar Rampage 2022 – “The Banditos” Interview

malabar rampage 2022 team interview
Our teams have arrived back home by now, trying to settle back into everyday life after their Indian rickshaw adventure. Mark and Chris , also know as “The Banditos”, have take some time to answer our questions about their experience during the Rickshaw Challenge Malabar Rampage.


Why did you decide to sign up for the Rickshaw Challenge Malabar Rampage 2022?
After doing the Tamilnadu run in  2014 I always wanted to get back to India and explore a different region. There is no better way to do that than in a rickshaw!


What did you expect and what did you get?
A crazy experience and lots of fun. Delivered many times over.


What was your scariest experience on the road?
All of it ! No seriously the first couple of days were pretty hectic with long drives and very busy roads but once you get to understand the Indian rules of the road its pretty easy. Just watch out for the buses coming towards you and look for a place to get off the road!



What was your most positive experience during the Malabar Rampage?
Without doubt the school visit in Mangalore. Just seeing the excitement from the children when we arrived and the greeting we received from the staff and Indian round table.


How many breakdowns did you have and what did you learn about fixing a rickshaw?
Only one breakdown on the first day of training. There is always a local (or army of locals) to help you out. We broke down by a rickshaw taxi rank and a number of the drivers fixed the fault and had us on our way within a few minutes and even before the support team arrived.


Describe India in one word or sentence, which doesn’t include coconut or coconut tree!
Incredible – Diverse, vibrant, cultural!



What is your most “only in India” experience?
The entire highway coming to a standstill while a couple of “Holy cows” decided to have a lie down and rest from the heat!


Do you have any recommendations, any good advice for future participants?
Just Do It ! Can’t recommend the experience enough and will certainly be back for a 3rd time to explore another region. Pimp your rickshaw and wear fancy dress as much as possible, everyone loves it! If possible raise some money for charity, you will see first hand the amazing work that is done by Round Table India on your school visits. If you are unsure about anything just ask the organisers they are super helpful and have seen it all before!


Read more about the Rickshaw Challenge and our other trips this year here or visit our dedicated Rickshaw Challenge website. Follow us on Facebook to always be up to date.
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