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Culinary Rally Guide Part 3 – Caucasian Challenge

The Caucasus is better know for local turmoil than for its beautiful landscapes, historical sights or its amazing food and we are on a mission to change this with the Caucasian Challange, our adventure rally from Istanbul, Turkey to Yerevan, Armenia. Let us give you a little preview of all the treats that are waiting for you on the road with our culinary rally guide for the Caucasus! Like always, we’ve only picked our favorites and do not claim that this list is exhaustive.



A plate full of deliciousness!

We probably don’t have to expalain to you what kebab is and it is certainly not a dish you need to travel across the world for, since by  now there is hardly a street corner without döner kebab shop – but it tastes nowhere as good as it does at its place of origin, in Turkey.


Khachapuri, Georgia

Looks like clogged arteries, but it is so worth it! (Image: Sandra C)

Khachapuri is part of Georgia’s Intangible Cultural Heritage and there is even something called the “khachapuri index” which uses the price to make khachapuri to measure inflation, just to give you an ideaof this dish’s importance. It is basically a “boat” of bread filled with cheese, eggs and other tasty things. Overall it’s probably every dieticians worst nightmare,  but it is oh so delicious!


Manti, Armenia

A bit of sour cream just gives it an extra kick! (Image:

These tiny dumplings are filled with a meat-paste, either cooked or baked. They are served with sour cream and garlic. We recommend to slowly savour ever single one and to give them the attention they deserve, since it must be a hell of a lot of a work to make those little dumplings by hand.


If we made you curious about the cuisnes of the Caucasus, the Caucasian Challenge is a great opportunity to indulge in as much of it as you’d like to. You’ll find more info and the possibility to sign up on our website. If are more into Indian cuisine or always wanted to know what they eat in Central Asia, then check yout the first two parts of our culinary rally guides!


Are you crazy enough to come along for the ride? Then join us on one of our next adventures. Get a team together and let’s see you at the starting line! If you want to join us in spirit, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and Instagram to keep up with our latest antics.


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